Back again, and making its way through its last Retrograde of the year, Mercury, the planet that rules technology, information & communication may feel like a hindrance to the clarity we are seeking and working to receive this Libra New Moon. Alongside other challenging astrological aspects, and situated just a couple weeks before the Nov. 3rd Election, this Mercury RX, which started early this week on October 13, is providing a deep period of re-centering and cultivation of emotional intelligence, if we are to truly access deeper, and more useful ways of communicating to ourselves and those around us. This Retrograde is in the sign of Intense and Transformational Scorpio, which if embraced, can give us a way to shed old skins, in favor of new revolutionary ones.

I personally find Retrogrades refreshing, enlightening, challenging and provocative. A chance to explore lingering or residual information from past circumstances or relationships. A chance to confront reactivity and an invitation to be OK expecting the unexpected. 

If you are feeling anxious, nervous, emotionally tapped out or unable to hear yourself clearly, try taking a step back & slowing down (when/where possible). Retrogrades really want us to interact with ourselves and our environments with more awareness and a whole lotta of curiosity and presence! The key with this retrograde will be to balance our time between inner reflection and outer social engagement. It’s educating and preparing yourself for the very real consequences of the Election (because regardless of the outcome we will still have so  much work to do for many communities) It’s also tending to your emotional well-being. We can do both.

Create space for deeper intimacy with yourself by taking some supportive, undisturbed and uninterrupted quiet time in the coming days and weeks. Let this time serve as a pause, to re-evaluate, recommit or adjust yourself as needed. Let it also serve as a gentle reminder that our outer pursuits are very much informed by how we interact with our inner ourselves, and our past experiences. Leave room for the New and leave space to sever ties with old ways of being where necessary.