I’ve been reflecting quite a bit these past few months on why I enjoy working with the Archetypes of Tarot, Astrology, and the Moon Phases in Embodied & Intuitive ways. 

One major reflection I’ve had is that as a Black Woman, these Archetypes allow me to re-vision and recreate myself outside of societal norms, constructs and stereotypes. 

Through the eyes of the 78 Cards I can birth new versions of myself when necessary and whenever I want too. I can be soft and subtle like the Empress, messy, wild and a lil’ chaotic like the Knight of Swords. I can create and mold my own reality like the Magician and I can observe sacred sadness and pain like the invitation of the 3 of Swords. 

I study my Astrological chart and find my strengths and weaknesses, where I might be challenged and how I can best rise to the occasion of said challenge. I get to claim and acclimate parts of myself through this map of the stars. Accepting and integrating parts of me outsiders tempt me to reject because it doesn’t fit their narrative of how I should be or act.

Through Archetypes I Re-Imagine & Reconstruct Myself.

And so can You.

Star Jasmine in Bloom 🌸

Star Jasmine in Bloom 🌸

These personal reflections feel fitting to share for Thursday’s New Moon in Aquarius, which also happened to coincide with a total of 5 other Planets sitting in Aquarius as well, including Mercury stationed in Retrograde!

Aquarius wants you to Honor your Uniqueness, to Honor all the things that make you special, different, distinct and all the little bits that make you YOU. This Moon is a perfect opportunity to reimagine a future self void of restrictions and limitations. This Moon goes beyond thinking outside the box. Instead, Imagine if the boxes never existed at all. Reconstruct a personal narrative that allows you to accept all the glorious parts of your being, personality and purpose. When we choose to align with a certain Archetype we can imbue our bodies and psyches on both the consciousness and subconscious levels with new habits, traits, behaviors, and processes. Archetypes help us break free from repression (the shadow work of Aquarian energy) and limiting belief systems, both personal and those ingrained through cultural and familial ties.

What inner stirrings are pulling at your heartstrings at this time? What are your gut instincts telling you to pay attention to? Like the Star in the Tarot, which corresponds to Aquarius, we have a guiding light or force calling us forward. And like The Fool, who is compelled by Uranus (Aqua’s ruling Planet) we can rush towards the new and exciting, confidently seeking liberation and individuation in service of our Souls & our Planet.

Paint a New Picture

Invite a New Version and Vision of Yourself In.

Seek out Different Personal Territory & Terrain.

Trust Yourself.

Commune with Trusted Adversaries.


Let your Individuality shine out, attracting like-minded companions and community who will acknowledge and accept your way of being & doing.

And above all Do You.


Scorpio Season is coming to close and we are almost to the First Quarter Waxing Moon. This weekend is the prime time to build an energetic bridge, integrating the teachings and experiences from the past few weeks and welcoming Sagittarius. Scorpio Season can usher in big or little deaths, transformation and change. It can ask us to shift, morph and reorient all in the name of honoring the Life, Death and Rebirth Cycle. So how do we support our selves after diving deep in those waters? We can use Sagittarian energy, which encourages exploration, seeking, and learning though new experiences, to explore whatever new interactions and territories we find ourselves in.

Sagittarius welcomes us bright-eyed, asking us to bask in anything that is new or unfamiliar with hope, optimism and a heavy dose of Faith. We can seek solace in this seasons warmth and flames, by opening up to, adapting and embracing this mutable fire signs’ insatiable appetite for new potentials and possibilities. Sagittarius season comes in like a burst of vibrance, this is the Archetype of the Archer after all! It wants us to expand our horizons, our ways of thinking, relating, playing and believing. This is the season to tap into your enthusiastic seeker, setting your sights on deeper spiritual awarenesses and the deeper understandings of Life.

What does your personal potential for resilience look like and feel like right now?

What systems of Faith, Philosophy, Religion or Spirituality can support you in connecting to Resilience?

Who comes to mind when you think of Resilience and why?

Name something new you can try this season, within reason and within your means. Reflect on the experience of trying something new afterwards and notice what you learned.

I know times can feel dismal. In a world of unknowns, necessary and life saving isolations, distance and the lack of freedom to mobilize, move and travel have many of us feeling uninspired and confined. Yet we can still work with Sagittarius as an archetype, cultivating resilience. Honoring where we might be burnt out, exhausted and holding space for and imagining a new future. Tapping in to resiliency, is the willingness and ability that every human being possesses, to overcome any challenge or adversity.


Back again, and making its way through its last Retrograde of the year, Mercury, the planet that rules technology, information & communication may feel like a hindrance to the clarity we are seeking and working to receive this Libra New Moon. Alongside other challenging astrological aspects, and situated just a couple weeks before the Nov. 3rd Election, this Mercury RX, which started early this week on October 13, is providing a deep period of re-centering and cultivation of emotional intelligence, if we are to truly access deeper, and more useful ways of communicating to ourselves and those around us. This Retrograde is in the sign of Intense and Transformational Scorpio, which if embraced, can give us a way to shed old skins, in favor of new revolutionary ones.

I personally find Retrogrades refreshing, enlightening, challenging and provocative. A chance to explore lingering or residual information from past circumstances or relationships. A chance to confront reactivity and an invitation to be OK expecting the unexpected. 

If you are feeling anxious, nervous, emotionally tapped out or unable to hear yourself clearly, try taking a step back & slowing down (when/where possible). Retrogrades really want us to interact with ourselves and our environments with more awareness and a whole lotta of curiosity and presence! The key with this retrograde will be to balance our time between inner reflection and outer social engagement. It’s educating and preparing yourself for the very real consequences of the Election (because regardless of the outcome we will still have so  much work to do for many communities) It’s also tending to your emotional well-being. We can do both.

Create space for deeper intimacy with yourself by taking some supportive, undisturbed and uninterrupted quiet time in the coming days and weeks. Let this time serve as a pause, to re-evaluate, recommit or adjust yourself as needed. Let it also serve as a gentle reminder that our outer pursuits are very much informed by how we interact with our inner ourselves, and our past experiences. Leave room for the New and leave space to sever ties with old ways of being where necessary.


Yesterday’s New Moon in Libra presented us with an opportunity to create a clear line of communication to our bodies, our environments & our relationships. Falling on a Friday which is ruled by the planet Venus, and aligned with a Libra Sun, the energy of this lunation felt like an invitation to take a really deep clearing and cleansing inhale and exhale. If we let it, we can suspend ourselves in a moment of unfettered access to mental and energetic receptivity and clarity, that on a daily basis, amongst the chaos of our lives can be hard to reach. 

Beckoning us to gather information that may allude to the ways we can create more cohesion and harmony amongst the varying, and even contradictory parts of ourselves. This moon is a chance to see the beauty in our darkest parts. A chance to cultivate a little more peace & harmony within. And a chance to embrace our most beloved selves.

When Empowered and Exalted, Libra asks us to hold a strong middle ground, seeing all the different sides, views and perspectives within an experience. Weighing the scales, much like its Tarot counterpart, Justice. Once all the information has been evaluated, Libra invites us to choose the resolution that creates right relationships and right action for all parties involved. It does not waver endlessly, back and forth. True to its Air element and Cardinal mode Libra wants us to receive, process, and then act. Libra doesn’t thrive in the dismissive or the binary, but instead loves when we choose comprehension, compassionate understanding and standing with strong conviction once all the information has been evaluated through a clear, unfiltered lens. Take some space to sit with the lingering forces of this New Moon and the themes that correspond to it’s archetype.


New Moon in Virgo: Self Study, Self Awareness & Belonging to Yourself.

Welcome to the Virgo New Moon! New Moons are, traditionally a time to plant seeds of intention, a time to reflect on where you would like to go, and what you would like to cultivate in the weeks, months and sometimes years ahead. For some they provide us with expansion, curiosity and allow us to dream up the possibilities of what could come next. For others it’s a time to just rest and receive, no planning or doing, just being, and patiently waiting for insights. For others it brings the challenge, of knowing you have to move forward, to grow, change and shift in some way. Where ever you find yourself on this New Moon, you can lean in to the themes of the Archetype of Virgo to help you find your footing.

We are in the depths of Virgo Season, and this season always makes me think of a new school year. If you are currently a student or can recall a time when you were a student maybe you feel a similar energy in the air. Preparing to study, learn, and take in new information. Getting back to daily routine and structures after the free flowing days of summer. Planning & Organizing. Like the Page of Pentacles, maybe this season has brought up big, soul centered questions. Or maybe like The Hermit, you’ve been releasing some external commitments and expectations so that you can more deeply tune into your internal state, removing yourself from the outer distractions of the world in order to better understand who you are and strengthen your connection to Spirit or Divine. Virgo is also the Virgin, and pre patriarchy, that meant simply belonging to ones self, securing sovereignty and solidifying your own sense of inner knowing and wisdom.

Personally, Virgo always draws me back to the Yogic Principle of Svadhyaya or Self Study & Awareness. Svadhyaya invites us to study ourselves, as well as spiritual texts and teachings, so that we may grasp a deeper understanding of our core identities. As one of the Niyamas (Personal Observances) found in Patanjali’s Yoga Suturas, we can use this practice of Self Study to Analyze, Critique and Expand our capacity for inner understanding. Ultimately, when we are deeply connected to ourselves, we can perceive our connection to others more clearly.

So how are you showing up this New Moon in Virgo?

What are your current hopes, dreams and desires?

How does getting clarity on where you stand with yourself allow you to then better show up for the communities that you inhabit? You can use this New Moon to connect deeper to who you are right now. Lean in to Inner Exploration & Self Study. See what comes up.

What feels strong and fortified as far as your values, and beliefs? What feels outdated, unused and unnecessary?

How are you cultivating Sovereignty?

What are you divesting from that no longer serves you ? That no longer serves your community? That no longer serves the planet? How will that severance lead to action towards personal and planetary expansion & liberation?

Take stock of your inner and spiritual resources, as we are just under a week away from the Fall Equinox, a time of Harvest and Reflection. The invitation is to reflect on these themes and how they maybe showing up for you. Use and Receive what works and feels resonant and please leave the rest. Below are some ways you can connect with me and my work as well as a little letter about my own self-study journey at this time. I hope it inspires you.

Happy New Moon Loves. 🌙


*A Note About my Personal Decolonization Journey

In keeping with the themes of this season I’m studying my own personal decolonization work and what running an authentic business centered around Yoga and Tarot looks like. As I navigate my studies, with the help of some pretty amazing teachers, I wanted to share with you somethings that have helped me soften into this season of Self Study. Hopefully it will inspire your own studies. . .

I’m working to continuously educate myself about Yoga’s History, Lineage and Roots outside of the West and how Yoga is and continues to be Appropriated as a direct result of Colonization. I wish for my Students, Teachers and Community to know that I am committed to doing the best I can to Honor the Practice of Yoga. For me the Decolonization of Yoga is listening to and prioritizing South Asian Voices and Teachers. It’s working to reclaim and teach from my own Personal lineage, ancestral practices and authentic voice. It means learning how I can work to disrupt & deconstruct the overwhelming Whiteness of the Wellness & Yoga Industry by prioritizing the healing and embodiment of Black & Brown Folks. It means building and sustaining a Sovereign and Thriving Business that focuses on uplifting, supporting and empowering Black Womxn.

This will be a life-long practice and a practice that looks different for everyone. Decolonization is a Practice and a way of Being, of Showing Up for myself and others that I am committed to holding myself, as well as my students accountable for. My work will continue to evolve and take life in new ways. My hope is that we can grow and evolve together. Creating experiences that bring us closer to Ourselves and closer to the World around us.

While I believe Yoga, Tarot & the other practices, tools, & arts I utilize and work with are for Everyone, I, as A Teacher, Space Holder, & Human Being, humbly recognize that I am not for Everyone. Nor is Anybody for Everyone. Rather you are new to me, or a long time student, I encourage you to continuously investigate if my practices are beneficial and in alignment with your personal healing aspirations and needs. Question, use Critical Thinking, and always, to the best of your Ability, Follow Your Intuition.

With Love,
