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We are winding down Aries Season and as such prepare to build a bridge between our Fiery, Energetic, Action Driven, Powerful selves to our Earthy, Solid, Stable and Fundamental selves (Taurus Season). Now is a perfect time to evaluate your relationship to your inner Emperor, accessing how you can use this energy as a guide to navigate uncertain times. The seeds we plant during this season will blossom into the framework and foundations on which we will stand throughout the rest of the year. The action or inaction we take now will be a defining moment.

In the midst of personal and planetary challenges, The Emperor says step back, take in the surroundings and ask “How can I best be of service to myself and others right now?” Integrating that information and feedback into a gentle acknowledgement that how we decide to respond, take care of, and empower ourselves right now, will have a ripple effect on all the things we do moving forward. A great Emperor isn’t reactive or rash, instead has integrated the lessons of Receptivity, Discernment and Listening from Key 3, The Empress. The Emperor knows not to grip too tightly or hoard resources because they recognize the abundance and availability open to them as taught by the Empress. The Emperor invites us into a space that says “How can I own my territory, how do I wish to take up space in my life, in relation to others, to my work?”

Emperor’s create, define & build. Emperor’s set boundaries and rules that lead to more creative freedom and fluidity and less restriction, confinement and rigidity. No longer the stoic, outdated harsh Paternal Authoritarian figure. We instead can choose to evolve this archetype. Leading our lives from an embodied Emperor who is Compassionate, Powerful and in Control. Not because they seek to lord or wield power & control over others, but because they respond to circumstances from a place of Confidence, Right Action and Sovereignty. 

The Emperor asks us to initiate, to have confidence in our ability to lead, to problem solve & to get shit done. Not only do they do this on behalf of themselves, but a good leader also embodies and acts from these qualities for the collective, the greater good and for the benefit of everyone around them. 

Note that it is perfectly okay and acceptable to feel a more inward pull during times of uncertainty and instability. If you don’t feel a call to be productive, outward or creative right now that is valid. If you are in the depths of survival mode honor that space. The beauty of the Emperor and the Kings is that they are stabilizing forces. Even if all we are able and willing to do right now is be the leader of our bodies, rule the territory of our homes, or honor and observe the present moment, that is  more than enough. These are amazing ways to hold space for the embodiment of Leadership & Empowerment.


One way we can define our Personal Path and Relationship to the Emperor is through the Kings. Beyond Gender, the Kings Rule over the Yang, Conscious, Action Oriented aspects of our personalities. The Kings define how we are being asked to step up and out. How we can practically and fully embrace, the big themes of Leadership and Empowerment Emperor calls for. I work deeply with the elements and as such I have presented the four Kings in relationship to their elemental qualities. Based on the Emperor Tarot Spread or using your Intuition, choose which King would be most beneficial to you at this time. 


KING OF PENTACLES: King of Pentacles is your Earth. He is the one that rules over your relationship to the physical, the material and the practical. When we are called to work with this King, themes of security, money, scarcity and nature may be present for you. This is Root Chakra Work. King of Pentacles is a time for dropping into your connection to the physical Earth as a stabilizing and supportive force. What spiritual, energetic or monetary resources are available or unavailable to you at this time? How can shifting your awareness and attention, if accessible, towards what you DO have and away from what you DON’T have, help to give you more of your footing, more of your ground. This King thrives when it utilizes and organizes community, friends and family, in a Supportive way, asking how can we pull our resources together so that no one goes without and everyone has enough. King of Pentacles is a Tree, deeply connected to its Roots.


KING OF CUPS: King of Cups is your Water. This King is a leader who rules from Emotional Intelligence, Intuitive Nature, & Balanced Listening and Action. When this King shows up, listen to and value your emotional state while learning not to overreact. He sits on the Ocean but He does not drown in the depths of the sea. In action, King of Cups is a care-taker, a nurturer, while having good solid boundaries. This is the King who is empathetic and quiet, dreaming of a sustainable domain that is peaceful, nourishing and regenerative. You can embody this King by paying close attention to shifts of your emotional nature. Allowing things to ebb and flow without feeling the need to control, steer or fix them right away. Let experiences wash over you, mining the innate wisdom of Emotions and recognizing they have their place. This understanding of Feelings, then provides you with an informed intelligence of others attitudes and reactions. Allowing you to lead from a place of understanding and empathy, while firmly on solid ground with your Own emotional self.


KING OF WANDS: King of Wands is your Fire. Wands as a suit emboldens, energizes, activates and ignites every experience and lesson. The King of Wands is no exception. When in a King of Wands moment, think about what goals, projects, creative endeavors really require your full attention and motivation? Be mindful of ‘feeling’ like you have to jump the gun or leap into something before you are ready. Instead take practical steps to organize and align with what it is you wish to accomplish. In relation to others, this is the King whose vibrancy and light is a superpower. Rallying others to embrace their own enthusiasm, desires and lust for life. This King thrives in intensity, because they claim an experience trusting in the transformative nature of his innate fire power. It’s Will that is clear and directed. Set your sights on what you want, sit with your internal fire and flame then let the cultivation of that fire lead the way!


KING OF SWORDS: King of Swords is your Air. Discernment, Truth, Communication and Clear Vision. Here you are invited to lead from a place of speaking Your Truth. This King is direct, firm, & to the point and is that way because the current situation or circumstance requires it. This King is able to use a profound mix of Intelligence, Mental Alertness and Thoughtful Communication to direct their lives. So should you aim to do the same when working with this King. Be Logical and Rational. Can you learn to see the value in structures and boundaries? When used appropriately boundary and structure are not limiting, instead they give way to more possibility, more expansion. Take care of your Mental Health with this King, putting things in place so your mind is supported and by extension you can better support your outer relationships and responsibilities. One very easy way to connect with this King is to imagine your breath filling the entire container of your body on an inhale, and emptying your body on the exhale. With Clarity of Breath comes Clarity of Mind.

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JOY & SORROW: An Exploration of the Three of Swords

"Your joy is your sorrow unmasked" - Khalil Gibran


What happens when we give ourselves the opportunity to see and acknowledge our sorrow and pain? We make room for the whole self to emerge. This interpretation of the 3 of Swords was gifted to me by a dear friend that I did a reading with at the beginning of 2018. This card showed up in the Third Eye Position in a Chakra Spread, and she mentioned that the image reminded her of the Khalil Gibran quote above. This quote in relation to this Tarot card struck me deeply. Learning to not only see, but truly accept the Sorrow, Pain and Hardships that we have faced or are facing in our lives, is such an important part of our self growth and evolution. 

As we wade through the waters of all of our emotions, we can realize how intrinsically connected they all are. As simple as the deep relief after a good cry and as complex as the feelings of faith that flourish in our darkest moments. Without emotional hardships would our triumphs and successes feel as sweet? I'm certain we would all love to imagine a world without people who hurt one another, but the reality is these experiences shape us. How we come out on the other side helps define us. The 3 of Swords is a reminder to See what could be after you take the time to process and embrace Sorrow. Unmasking difficult emotions is a process of clearing away and seeing things as they actually are. Ask what these emotions have to teach you. Notice what a challenging experience Gave to you. This is a potent opportunity to see your heart, still beating, vibrant, and very much capable. In order to have a joyous, happy life we have to embrace our sorrow fully. Self-Growth is a journey that involves a deep embrace of all the experiences that make us who we are. The things that we avoid, like sadness, anger, doubt, shame, and guilt are here to teach us. These less than favorable emotions can provide us with a wealth of information about how we process, what our patterns are and how we accept the things that have happened to us that we cannot change. The more we can learn to face these intense emotions, the more clarity, vibrancy and wholeness we can find when we emerge from these intense places. 


On Joy and Sorrow
 Kahlil Gibran

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked.
And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears.
And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
Is not the cup that holds your wine the very cup that was burned in the potter's oven?
And is not the lute that soothes your spirit, the very wood that was hollowed with knives?
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. 

Some of you say, "Joy is greater than sorrow," and others say, "Nay, sorrow is the greater."
But I say unto you, they are inseparable.
Together they come, and when one sits, alone with you at your board, remember that the other is asleep upon your bed. 

Verily you are suspended like scales between your sorrow and your joy.
Only when you are empty are you at standstill and balanced.
When the treasure-keeper lifts you to weigh his gold and his silver, needs must your joy or your sorrow rise or fall.